This was at the Liverpool Acadamy of Arts and was my first exhibition, done during my degree
This is a wind tunnel I made by rolling a perspex sheet into a tube, hiring a wind machine and a large U.V. light, coating polystyrene balls in U.V. reactive paint, placing them in the tube, covering the top of the tube in a fine mesh (as well as the base). I built a walk in cupboard type surround for it, with a little help, rigged up the U.V. light, turned on the wind machine and light and watched the glowing multicoloured polysyrene balls swirl around the tube.
Elemental 5 Exhibition, Lauries Centre Birkenhead
- Lauries Centre, Wirral: 23 Nov 2009 - 31 Jan 2010: The Elemental 5 Exhibition. Solo sculpture exhibition by Angie McCormick. Having completed her Fine Art degree at WMC in summer 09, Angie has already completed several commissions including murals in Bosnia, Paintings at the Amber gallery in London and has exhibited overseas and on Merseyside to date.
The Williamson Gallery, Birkenhead. Degree Final 2008
Domino Gallery, Liverpool 2009.
Six Rooms Gallery, Birkenhead. 2010
This is called' 'New Wave' and was commissioned by Mersey Travel to go infront of their ferry terminal. It also went into the Biennial Independants 2010. It was built at Arrowebrook Fabricators in th plastics section run by Ken. Ken and I built it together. I learnt as I worked. It took 5 weeks to complete and is 5' 9 high and 12 foot long, it comes in 3 parts that bolt together and is made of polypropylene.
Current exhibition is at the View Two Gallery, Matthew Street Liverpool. View Two are exhibitiing my 'Roaring forties' metal painting and my 'wave' metal painting. 'The Key' was sold at the Biennial Independants exhibition